Reviewing some of the blogs from diggs.com and slashdot.org I came across many blog entries related to the fact that you can "hack" or alter your iphone to do special things. Such as altering filesystem permissions, making it run on other providers networks (i.e T-Mobile, Version), NES Emulators , serial console and many many other things. I also came across some negative issues dealing with iPhone hacks such as a new Trojan that will pull legitimate application off the phone for no reason. The blogs goes into explaining that this worm is more of an annoyance than anything else and only infects iPhones that have been modified or opened through a security hole in the system.
The most common hack that I have been seeing is not just limited to the iPhone but almost every digital phone on the market and that is having people (or companies unlock your phone. I found this one article called The Story Behind iUnlock which actually give you some code to use to unlock your iPhone SIM. But they commented that this code should be used at your own risk to unlock the iPhone SIM.
Also there was an interesting blog about Apple fighting back against these hacked iPhones by providing a mandatory update as a payback to the hacked device. It goes into saying that this update "bricking the hacks" is blamed directly on Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs. They believe that Jobs has done this because he can't stand people hacking his perfectly crafted device and this was a kind of retaliation against these hackers. I think if you build a device such as the iPhone people will always find ways to overcome these restrictions set by the manufacturer. The iPhone is a advance palm computer which runs Safari and a dumbed-down version of OS X. When you build something like this people will always create a hack to do something they want it to do that it originally can't. I am sure Microsoft has the same issues with their mobile devices as well as most other Technology companies. (i.e software companies, internet companies.....etc.)
If you restrict it people always find away to get around this restriction. This is how it is and how it will always be when it comes to technology. People want to use these devices to do things they personally either need or want to do. If enough people want it, knowledgeable computer programmers and hackers will bring this to these people. This is the technology Black Market and I believe this will never change.
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