- -Windows began separating the basic user from the administrator account by default in Vista, over 15 years behind Linux.
- -Windows added a firewall in 2001, over seven years behind Linux's 1994 addition of ipchains.
- -Linux was the first operating system with x86_64 support, beating Windows XP Pro x64 by two years.
- -Windows added an attractive 3D accelerated graphical interface in Vista, a full year behind Linux's XGL.
- -Linux's package management system can install, uninstall, and update software from one interface. Everything installed from Apache to OpenOffice and Quake 4 may be updated with one press. Windows has nothing like this on the road map.
Another misconception is that Linux is hard to use and that you have to be a computer guru that knows the command terminal. The popular Ubuntu OS has a wonderful and easy to use graphical interface that is very similar to Apple's Mac OS X operating system. In fact I have it on my mac using VMware Fusion (i.e virtualization software) and it works better than my XP virtual environment.
Again another big misconception that I have heard personally and this article from digg.com states that "Linus isn't Enterprise Ready / No One Uses Linux." Well, if you ever hear someone say something like this you should explain to them that companies such as Google and Amazon all use Linux technologies. These companies are HUGE in the tech. industry. So when I have friends say that they are a dedicated windows user and anything else can't compete. Let them know their wrong.
Overall, if you have never used Linux try it first before you judge it. Is is great in many many ways. But like any other system it does have it flaws and you have to know how to work around it. Ubuntu again is a wonderful alternative OS and works great on Mac or PC.
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