Monday, March 10, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a trend on the web and with web design as a second generation web based community with hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies which are directed towards creativity, collaboration and sharing among users. The term "Web 2.0" came about after O'Reilly Media had their Web 2.0 conference back in 2004. Web 2.0 doesn't suggest that the internet is being updated technically, but it suggests a change in ways of software developers and end-users use the web. 
Looking around on there are hundreds of blog articles with an array of information. Most of the newer blog submissions consist of "how to" articles. Helping you learn how to create Web 2.0 animation effects, website layout, online generators (i.e forms, script....etc.) and much more.
One article I found very interesting was this article that basically listed a complete list of all the Web 2.0 Applications, called the Complete List Of Web 2.0 Applications. Which had about 20 or so listing such as:

Basecamp: Which is a project collaboration tool or project management communication tool. I allows you to collaborate and share information that deal with your current project. 

CalendarHub: This application allows you to create a calendar that you can access from anywhere. You can share, keep it private and publish on the web. 

Anyway, there are a few application in the list I thought was a little interested and should be shared. If you would like the complete list of new Web 2.0 Application they can be located HERE. I also urge any of you that our interested in learning more about what web 2.0 can do, especially if you are a web designer or web developer. This seems to be going towards a new standard in internet development and design and should be kept up on. If interested further here is a list of some informational sites that can help you gain additional knowledge on web 2.0:


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