Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Technology Going Green!!

So a big big trend in technology is going green this year. There has been many innovations in technology to help our environment and mother earth. One big thing recently was the Macbook Air is made of green material. Another is linux, the infrastructure and tools required to make linux a green operating system are now in place.

Some other technologies going green consist of:

There have been some fascinating innovation that make it easy and even fun to save energy. A German research team has created a prototype for the world first-ever solar powered cell phone. While full-fledged solar panels are still quite large and expensive. This team of research has integrated a small, high-efficient solar cell into the phone. They claim it will offer a module a efficiency rate of 20% and have a battery life of roughly 2 hours.

Those huge revolving doors you see at shopping centers like Macy's may be using them to power some of their lights. A firm in New York is using these revolving doors that harnesses the kinetic energy's of the door revolution and concerts it to useable energy. Great idea.

Other technologies going green consist of:

It will be an interesting and exciting thing to see other innovations in green technology. For more information please see some of the sources below.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Wireless Technology & Where it is going.

Today, wireless seems to be a trendy commodity. Almost 99% of all laptops made today has some form of wireless technology. From WiFi, to bluetooth and everything in between. This current trends seems to be were everything is going.

So a great question to ask is where is this technology going. Well there has been some talk about a wave of new networks and wireless innovations that will provide better Internet access, deliver streaming video and foster an array of consumer-friendly features. Although it's too early to be sure which companies or networks will be most successful, the optimists domain the skeptics. 

Here are some possible trends:

-Consider the prospect of two-way video on handheld devices. For Instance, parents may be able to use cell phones to talk face to face with a son or daughter at college.

-Imagine using your cell phone as a checkbook. 

-Think about a cell phone that would download your latest travel information as you entered an airport.

-Or think about using the cameras in cell phone to search the Internet. Use the photo as a search prompt to get information. When the photo is recognized, you could receive tips form online guidebooks. Or think in terms of shopping. You could take a photo of shoes in a store window and download product details form the retailer's web site.

Anyway, these are some possible wireless trends that could be on the horizon. It will be very exciting to see what kind of stuff will emerge in this growing market.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hacking & Their Motives

The term “hacking” has many meaning and is commonly used to refer to a form of trespassing against a computer belonging to someone else. But hacking kind of has a range of meanings. A hacker can be someone breaking into computers or networks, a programmer in the free software and open source movement or a enthusiastic home computer hobbyist.

In the mid 1960’s hacking was a way to solve programming problems and create alternative means (or shortcuts) around certain computer issues. Hackers also looked into government and business records to exploit any harm that they were doing to the general public. Back then hackers were kind of the “robin hood” of the industry. They would rob from these institutions and give back to the public.

Nowadays, hackers seem to do more harm then good to the general population. They damage networks, create viruses and run rapid around cyberspace destroying or exploiting anything they can get their hands on. Overall hackers penetrate networks for many reasons. An attacker could have a couple of reasons to target a system. Here are a few possible motives hackers may have when breaking into a network.


Hacktivism can best be described as hacking for political reasons. The premise is that some hackers will use their skills and knowledge to forward a political, free speech movements or human rights agendas. This is sometimes coined to describe how electronic direct action might work towards a social change by combining programming skills with critical thinking.

Hack-nerd connection:

This is the most widely known reason for hacking. This is the recognition and desire for fame, you can call it trying to be “elite”, or even having bragging rights of their skills as being a hacker.   

For knowledge:

In this world today people are judged and recognized by how much they know. This quest for knowledge has brought hacking websites that will teach people how to hack. By this phenomenon newbie’s have a vast amount of tools, scripts and information that they can use. Penetrating a system is an attractive thing to do for most enthusiastic technology involved people; it implies good knowledge of the penetrated system, which is an appreciated quality in the information age, at least for some.

Industrial espionage:

Industrial espionage refers to illegal activities, which can range from outright theft to bribery and anywhere in between. By having the power of hacking, hackers can be hired by businesses or firms to cover-up or perform unethical business practices to gain additional benefits. Sometimes firms will hire hackers to attack a competitor to increase their market share as well. To a hacker there can be a huge financial benefit.


            Although the Internet can be used by terrorist, the occurrence of e-terrorism is still low. Terrorists usually need to show visual fear, for example the Oklahoma City bombing or the terrorist attack on the World Trade centers. But there is still a motivation with some ethic groups. A group called the Mafia Hacking Team is an Iranian hacking group that seeks out American websites and hacks into them. 

This team of hackers also sets up phishing websites on the user’s web space to try and gather personal and financial information of users. They do this by sending out SPAM to thousands of email account trying to get the user to update their banking or other account information. The link in this SPAM email will then redirect them to this unauthorized phishing website on the hacked users web space.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Virtualization with VMware Fusion

Around a few months back the final version of the Parallels Desktop for Mac 3.0 was released. Since then VMware has released its forthcoming software for the mac called  VMware Fusion which will operate Windows and other operating systems on a Mac. 

Now if your unfamiliar with virtualization it is simply the ability to run another operating system in a virtual machine (VM) while still running the host operating system (Mac OS X) Here are some things that you can do with VMware Fusion:

1) If you have a few Windows application that you can't live without such as Outlook, Windoes Media Player (Does have a mac version), Microsoft Project, AutoCAD, Solidworks. Now you don't have to keep your PC. VMware fusion can run your favorite Windows applications.

2) You would think that having two computer operating systems would increase the use and horsepower of your system. But it doesn't it is just like opening a normal application like Photoshop and running your operations.

3) You can use Windows hardware inside your VMware environment. Such as WiFi USB adapter, printers, MP3 Player (But why would you with itunes)

4)You can now bring your Mac to work. Most businesses today run on a PC based platform. Now you can bring your mac to work and run all the enterprise PC based software.

5) On top of just running Windows, you can run Linux, Solaris, Server..etc. In fact there are about 60 x86 compliant operating systems for your Mac and more are being added to their website every day.

So If you own a mac and a PC on the same machine. VMware is the application for you. It will save time and save money by using virtualization to power your life and your business. This technology is so innovating that it will allow you to run multiple virtual servers. Check it out!!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Phishing The Web

A few months ago back in December several of my websites had been attacked by some Iranian hackers called the Black Mafia. I wasn't really sure how they had accomplished this. But my web administrator said that it may have been hacked through my file upload service that I provided to users. 

What they ended up doing is changing all the index.html pages to a page that said "this site has been hacked by the Black Mafia." On top of changing the main pages of about 4 websites they also setup shop with three Phishing websites that were designed to be used to gather bank information. These phishing websites consisted of a fake Wells Fargo, Bank Of America, Washington Mutual login pages. Where a user would get an email saying that need to update their page information. They would click on the email link and it would send them to these websites that were illegally on my web space. 

I was so anger and wanted to find ways of fighting back against these idiots that call themselves hackers. Looking on digg.com I found lots of people that felt the same way. Some of them started their own anti-spam, anti-phishing websites to alert users of the scum of the web. But a lot of the anti-websites are getting attacked as well by denial of service attacks against them. 

The question I have is what can the "user" do to attack spammers phishing?
