So a great question to ask is where is this technology going. Well there has been some talk about a wave of new networks and wireless innovations that will provide better Internet access, deliver streaming video and foster an array of consumer-friendly features. Although it's too early to be sure which companies or networks will be most successful, the optimists domain the skeptics.
Here are some possible trends:
-Consider the prospect of two-way video on handheld devices. For Instance, parents may be able to use cell phones to talk face to face with a son or daughter at college.
-Imagine using your cell phone as a checkbook.
-Think about a cell phone that would download your latest travel information as you entered an airport.
-Or think about using the cameras in cell phone to search the Internet. Use the photo as a search prompt to get information. When the photo is recognized, you could receive tips form online guidebooks. Or think in terms of shopping. You could take a photo of shoes in a store window and download product details form the retailer's web site.
Anyway, these are some possible wireless trends that could be on the horizon. It will be very exciting to see what kind of stuff will emerge in this growing market.
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