Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Technology Going Green!!

So a big big trend in technology is going green this year. There has been many innovations in technology to help our environment and mother earth. One big thing recently was the Macbook Air is made of green material. Another is linux, the infrastructure and tools required to make linux a green operating system are now in place.

Some other technologies going green consist of:

There have been some fascinating innovation that make it easy and even fun to save energy. A German research team has created a prototype for the world first-ever solar powered cell phone. While full-fledged solar panels are still quite large and expensive. This team of research has integrated a small, high-efficient solar cell into the phone. They claim it will offer a module a efficiency rate of 20% and have a battery life of roughly 2 hours.

Those huge revolving doors you see at shopping centers like Macy's may be using them to power some of their lights. A firm in New York is using these revolving doors that harnesses the kinetic energy's of the door revolution and concerts it to useable energy. Great idea.

Other technologies going green consist of:

It will be an interesting and exciting thing to see other innovations in green technology. For more information please see some of the sources below.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Wireless Technology & Where it is going.

Today, wireless seems to be a trendy commodity. Almost 99% of all laptops made today has some form of wireless technology. From WiFi, to bluetooth and everything in between. This current trends seems to be were everything is going.

So a great question to ask is where is this technology going. Well there has been some talk about a wave of new networks and wireless innovations that will provide better Internet access, deliver streaming video and foster an array of consumer-friendly features. Although it's too early to be sure which companies or networks will be most successful, the optimists domain the skeptics. 

Here are some possible trends:

-Consider the prospect of two-way video on handheld devices. For Instance, parents may be able to use cell phones to talk face to face with a son or daughter at college.

-Imagine using your cell phone as a checkbook. 

-Think about a cell phone that would download your latest travel information as you entered an airport.

-Or think about using the cameras in cell phone to search the Internet. Use the photo as a search prompt to get information. When the photo is recognized, you could receive tips form online guidebooks. Or think in terms of shopping. You could take a photo of shoes in a store window and download product details form the retailer's web site.

Anyway, these are some possible wireless trends that could be on the horizon. It will be very exciting to see what kind of stuff will emerge in this growing market.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hacking & Their Motives

The term “hacking” has many meaning and is commonly used to refer to a form of trespassing against a computer belonging to someone else. But hacking kind of has a range of meanings. A hacker can be someone breaking into computers or networks, a programmer in the free software and open source movement or a enthusiastic home computer hobbyist.

In the mid 1960’s hacking was a way to solve programming problems and create alternative means (or shortcuts) around certain computer issues. Hackers also looked into government and business records to exploit any harm that they were doing to the general public. Back then hackers were kind of the “robin hood” of the industry. They would rob from these institutions and give back to the public.

Nowadays, hackers seem to do more harm then good to the general population. They damage networks, create viruses and run rapid around cyberspace destroying or exploiting anything they can get their hands on. Overall hackers penetrate networks for many reasons. An attacker could have a couple of reasons to target a system. Here are a few possible motives hackers may have when breaking into a network.


Hacktivism can best be described as hacking for political reasons. The premise is that some hackers will use their skills and knowledge to forward a political, free speech movements or human rights agendas. This is sometimes coined to describe how electronic direct action might work towards a social change by combining programming skills with critical thinking.

Hack-nerd connection:

This is the most widely known reason for hacking. This is the recognition and desire for fame, you can call it trying to be “elite”, or even having bragging rights of their skills as being a hacker.   

For knowledge:

In this world today people are judged and recognized by how much they know. This quest for knowledge has brought hacking websites that will teach people how to hack. By this phenomenon newbie’s have a vast amount of tools, scripts and information that they can use. Penetrating a system is an attractive thing to do for most enthusiastic technology involved people; it implies good knowledge of the penetrated system, which is an appreciated quality in the information age, at least for some.

Industrial espionage:

Industrial espionage refers to illegal activities, which can range from outright theft to bribery and anywhere in between. By having the power of hacking, hackers can be hired by businesses or firms to cover-up or perform unethical business practices to gain additional benefits. Sometimes firms will hire hackers to attack a competitor to increase their market share as well. To a hacker there can be a huge financial benefit.


            Although the Internet can be used by terrorist, the occurrence of e-terrorism is still low. Terrorists usually need to show visual fear, for example the Oklahoma City bombing or the terrorist attack on the World Trade centers. But there is still a motivation with some ethic groups. A group called the Mafia Hacking Team is an Iranian hacking group that seeks out American websites and hacks into them. 

This team of hackers also sets up phishing websites on the user’s web space to try and gather personal and financial information of users. They do this by sending out SPAM to thousands of email account trying to get the user to update their banking or other account information. The link in this SPAM email will then redirect them to this unauthorized phishing website on the hacked users web space.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Virtualization with VMware Fusion

Around a few months back the final version of the Parallels Desktop for Mac 3.0 was released. Since then VMware has released its forthcoming software for the mac called  VMware Fusion which will operate Windows and other operating systems on a Mac. 

Now if your unfamiliar with virtualization it is simply the ability to run another operating system in a virtual machine (VM) while still running the host operating system (Mac OS X) Here are some things that you can do with VMware Fusion:

1) If you have a few Windows application that you can't live without such as Outlook, Windoes Media Player (Does have a mac version), Microsoft Project, AutoCAD, Solidworks. Now you don't have to keep your PC. VMware fusion can run your favorite Windows applications.

2) You would think that having two computer operating systems would increase the use and horsepower of your system. But it doesn't it is just like opening a normal application like Photoshop and running your operations.

3) You can use Windows hardware inside your VMware environment. Such as WiFi USB adapter, printers, MP3 Player (But why would you with itunes)

4)You can now bring your Mac to work. Most businesses today run on a PC based platform. Now you can bring your mac to work and run all the enterprise PC based software.

5) On top of just running Windows, you can run Linux, Solaris, Server..etc. In fact there are about 60 x86 compliant operating systems for your Mac and more are being added to their website every day.

So If you own a mac and a PC on the same machine. VMware is the application for you. It will save time and save money by using virtualization to power your life and your business. This technology is so innovating that it will allow you to run multiple virtual servers. Check it out!!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Phishing The Web

A few months ago back in December several of my websites had been attacked by some Iranian hackers called the Black Mafia. I wasn't really sure how they had accomplished this. But my web administrator said that it may have been hacked through my file upload service that I provided to users. 

What they ended up doing is changing all the index.html pages to a page that said "this site has been hacked by the Black Mafia." On top of changing the main pages of about 4 websites they also setup shop with three Phishing websites that were designed to be used to gather bank information. These phishing websites consisted of a fake Wells Fargo, Bank Of America, Washington Mutual login pages. Where a user would get an email saying that need to update their page information. They would click on the email link and it would send them to these websites that were illegally on my web space. 

I was so anger and wanted to find ways of fighting back against these idiots that call themselves hackers. Looking on digg.com I found lots of people that felt the same way. Some of them started their own anti-spam, anti-phishing websites to alert users of the scum of the web. But a lot of the anti-websites are getting attacked as well by denial of service attacks against them. 

The question I have is what can the "user" do to attack spammers phishing?


Monday, March 17, 2008

Where is all this SPAM coming from?

So everyone has probably received some some kind of SPAM (or Self Promotional Advertising Message) in your email inboxes. We all hate it and I am sure we all feel that it has to be one of the worst ways to advertise on the internet. But of course SPAM is used for others things as well. Such as Phishing, Virus Attacks, Spyware and much much more. When it comes down to it I personally hate SPAM and I look and look for ways to attach back myself. But of course this is really really hard to do.

But did you know that 6 SPAM bots (bots are also known as web robots that run automated tasks over the internet. Google uses it to index web pages for example) are responsible of 85% of all spam. From the 6,  Srizbi botnet is the largest single source of SPAM, accounting for 39% of junk mail messages. A company by the name of Network Box which is a managed security firm has spread the most viruses and trojans compared to any of the other 6 SPAM bot companies. 

But our government is fighting back against these spammers. From Slashdot.org there was a article called, Spam King Pleads Guilty In Seattle. It examples that Robert Soloway (i.e a spammer) pled guilty to mail fraud and tax evasion. Which we might spend up to 5 years in jail and have to pay up to $625,000 in fines for selling $550 packages to wannabe spammers. 

It seems like everyone is getting hit with these spammers, Google is even saying that spammers are getting more clever. The question I want to know is Why? I keep hearing more and more that crime is changing from our streets to the web. Criminal spammers are attacking websites like, Myspace and Facebook and even IE plugins. I think that there has to be a way to attach back. Kind of the Robin Hood of the web. If hackers (the good ethical hackers) could find ways to allow anyone to fight back. I would be a wonderful era in stopping these criminal spammers. Believe me I have looked and looked at ways to attach back and have found little or no way to do this except for all the virus/spyware protection software out there. This works as a passive way to stop them from controlling your computer. But what I am talking about is a way to play the offensive at attach them on the front line. This would be great. If you can let all of us know how to accomplish this offensive!!!!!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a trend on the web and with web design as a second generation web based community with hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies which are directed towards creativity, collaboration and sharing among users. The term "Web 2.0" came about after O'Reilly Media had their Web 2.0 conference back in 2004. Web 2.0 doesn't suggest that the internet is being updated technically, but it suggests a change in ways of software developers and end-users use the web. 
Looking around on digg.com there are hundreds of blog articles with an array of information. Most of the newer blog submissions consist of "how to" articles. Helping you learn how to create Web 2.0 animation effects, website layout, online generators (i.e forms, script....etc.) and much more.
One article I found very interesting was this article that basically listed a complete list of all the Web 2.0 Applications, called the Complete List Of Web 2.0 Applications. Which had about 20 or so listing such as:

Basecamp: Which is a project collaboration tool or project management communication tool. I allows you to collaborate and share information that deal with your current project. 

CalendarHub: This application allows you to create a calendar that you can access from anywhere. You can share, keep it private and publish on the web. 

Anyway, there are a few application in the list I thought was a little interested and should be shared. If you would like the complete list of new Web 2.0 Application they can be located HERE. I also urge any of you that our interested in learning more about what web 2.0 can do, especially if you are a web designer or web developer. This seems to be going towards a new standard in internet development and design and should be kept up on. If interested further here is a list of some informational sites that can help you gain additional knowledge on web 2.0:


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Misconceptions about Linux

It seems like more and more people are switching to Linux these days. But there is still a large misconception about Linux. One major misconception is that Linux is still five years behind Windows XP. This statement of course is quite false because Linux has been on the edge of innovation sometimes before Windows even started doing it. Here is a list of some of these behind the times misconceptions provided by www.mi80.com :

  • -Windows began separating the basic user from the administrator account by default in Vista, over 15 years behind Linux.
  • -Windows added a firewall in 2001, over seven years behind Linux's 1994 addition of ipchains.
  • -Linux was the first operating system with x86_64 support, beating Windows XP Pro x64 by two years.
  • -Windows added an attractive 3D accelerated graphical interface in Vista, a full year behind Linux's XGL.
  • -Linux's package management system can install, uninstall, and update software from one interface. Everything installed from Apache to OpenOffice and Quake 4 may be updated with one press. Windows has nothing like this on the road map.
Another misconception is that Linux is hard to use and that you have to be a computer guru that knows the command terminal. The popular Ubuntu OS has a wonderful and easy to use graphical interface that is very similar to Apple's Mac OS X operating system. In fact I have it on my mac using VMware Fusion (i.e virtualization software) and it works better than my XP virtual environment. 

Again another big misconception that I have heard personally and this article from digg.com states that "Linus isn't Enterprise Ready / No One Uses Linux." Well, if you ever hear someone say something like this you should explain to them that companies such as Google and Amazon all use Linux technologies. These companies are HUGE in the tech. industry. So when I have friends say that they are a dedicated windows user and anything else can't compete. Let them know their wrong.

Overall, if you have never used Linux try it first before you judge it. Is is great in many many ways. But like any other system it does have it flaws and you have to know how to work around it. Ubuntu again is a wonderful alternative OS and works great on Mac or PC. 


The Usefulness Of New Technology

It seems that new gadgets or gismos are coming out every day trying to make our life easier and less complicated. Some fit this trend, but most make our lives more complex. Examples of some gadgets that make our lives easier consist of cellphones, PDA's, Apple's ipod, GPS devices and most importantly the desktop or laptop computer. (Even though this can be categorized as being both a device that makes our lives more complex and easier.) 

Do you remember how we were before cellphones became so popular. We used pay phones or home phones and it seems that we almost always played "phone tag" or had missed someone's call. Cellphones are a great example of a device that has mostly made out lives easier and more efficient. Apple's iPod has made listening to music and videos a lots easier. Do you remember carrying lots and lots of different CD's in your car or in your backpack. Do you remember the VHS tape and needing a TV and a VCR to watch the VHS tape. Again, the ipod has revolutionized how we listen and watch music and movies. 

A company which we all probably have been to or at least window shopped at is , The Sharper Image. I think this company is a prime example of a company trying to sell new gadgets or gismos that no one really needs. An article form Digg.com called, The Future Was Then explains that the main problem of this gadgetorium is that it tries selling us stuff we just don't need and that the majority of their products make our lives more complex. One man from the article says, "where will I kill time while my wife shops," which I thought was pretty funny. Because I have been one of those husbands window shopping in The Sharper Image. 

Anyway, I think This company will stay around in some altered form. But the times have caught up with that erstwhile icon of modernity. We will be losing things such as the Grill/Fork Thermometer, luminescent safety leash, hideaway gym or the telescoping ladder. Which I don't know a single person that owns one of these or has purchased anything from this company.  Good luck and stay strong, Sharper Image you'll need some help getting back on your feet.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What is Drupal?

Drupal is an open source free software package that allocates an individual or a community of users to simply publish, handle and arrange a broad selection of content on a website.  It is an amazing tools that I use all the time as a web designer to implement websites for non technical users. There are thousands of themes you can load and edit using CSS to fit the needs of the website you are building. Drupal also has modules that are functional elements such as photo albums, chat rooms, blogs, newsletter....etc...etc. 

From an article from diggs.com,Drupal calling on students for the GHOP Contest I guess Google announced recently that Drupal has been chosen as one of the ten projects participating in the new pilot program the GHOP or Google Highly Open Participation Contest. You can sign-up for a new account at www.drupal.org and join the Drupal GHOP group. From there you can work on a variety of development projects to help towards winning this GHOP award from Google. 

Also Drupal has just finally released their 6th version of this software package. Which has even more security and lots of new themes and modules to play around with. A video article from diggs.com from Noel Hidalgo and Dries Buytaert (Top Drupal Developers) Dries explains that he is giving this way to give access to everyone who wants to build websites. Dries interview explains the history of Drupal and how some of the internal technology just randomly came about. In many aspects he has a similar motto as Google. Doing good and giving away this technology freely to all that want to learn. You can view his interview here: 

Overall, if your interesting in learning more you can go to their website and there are thousands and thousands of site using Drupal, discussing groups about Drupal technologies and it is all free to learn and use. I think it is a wonderful service to us all just try googling "Drupal" to see what you get.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Future Of Wi-Fi in America

Free Wi-Fi hotspots  in coffee shops, cafes, hotels, airports and much more have sprang up all over the place in recent years. In fact for about 8 years now this has been one of the most advancing  technology services in the America retail and food service markets. Reading this article from diggs.com called Wi-Fi wants to be free seems to hopefully be a new growing trend in the Wi-Fi service and that is giving this service away from FREE. Currently most major coffee shops like Starsbucks have charging a monthly fee for using Wi-Fi in their cafes. But this  seems to slowly be changing. Now the Wi-Fi service is being giving away like a free TV or free toaster when buying other goods or services. 

Also technology companies such as Google wanted to setup free Wi-Fi all over down-town areas of cities like San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago. Of course these plans are still being discussed there is no question that this trend could slowly become a kind of standard for most major cities wanting to participate in giving their citizens this service. 

Starbucks just announced early this year that it will be dumping it long time partner T-Mobile and going with AT & T. With this transition Starbucks offers free service to (i.e the first two hours) any Starbucks card holder. 

Now of course they are still slowly trying to get you to pay for this service but in a more passive way. I think that as time goes on we will see more and more free Wi-Fi services and in turn will have advertisements within your browsers has you use their services. This could be a great upcoming market for advertisers and many companies could be jumping on this bandwagon. 

Issues with offering these free Wi-Fi service came right from the top of our government when the house of representatives on December 12 approved a bill that if anyone offering free Wi-Fi must report any illegal activities such as child porn, hacking and other illegal uses. Overall this growing trend in free Wi-Fi is done right I believe could be a wonder service for America. This could create more different internal services that use Wi-Fi (i.e.  phone over Wi-Fi) and will advance more of these kinds of technologies. I look forward to seeing how the future of Wi-Fi in America advances. 

Stay tune for some wonderful technologies dealing with our current Wi-Fi technology. 


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hacking Apple's iPhone

Reviewing some of the blogs from diggs.com and slashdot.org I came across many blog entries related to the fact that you can "hack" or alter your iphone to do special things. Such as altering filesystem permissions, making it run on other providers networks (i.e T-Mobile, Version), NES Emulators , serial console and many many other things. I also came across some negative issues dealing with iPhone hacks such as a new Trojan that will pull legitimate application off the phone for no reason. The blogs goes into explaining that this worm is more of an annoyance than anything else and only infects iPhones that have been modified or opened through a security hole in the system. 

The most common hack that I have been seeing is not just limited to the iPhone but almost every digital phone on the market and that is having people (or companies unlock your phone. I found this one article called The Story Behind iUnlock which actually give you some code to use to unlock your iPhone SIM. But they commented that this code should be used at your own risk to unlock the iPhone SIM.

Also there was an interesting blog about Apple fighting back against these hacked iPhones by providing a mandatory update as a payback to the hacked device. It goes into saying that this update "bricking the hacks" is blamed directly on Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs. They believe that Jobs has done this because he can't stand people hacking his perfectly crafted device and this was a kind of retaliation against these hackers. I think if you build a device such as the iPhone people will always find ways to overcome these restrictions set by the manufacturer.  The iPhone is a advance palm computer which runs Safari and a dumbed-down version of OS X. When you build something like this people will always create a hack to do something they want it to do that it originally can't. I am sure Microsoft has the same issues with their mobile devices as well as  most other Technology companies. (i.e software companies, internet companies.....etc.) 

If you restrict it people always find away to get around this restriction. This is how it is and how it will always be when it comes to technology. People want to use these devices to do things they personally either need or want to do. If enough people want it, knowledgeable computer programmers and hackers will bring this to these people. This is the technology Black Market and I believe this will never change.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OLPC and Intel Corporation Part Ways

Well, if you haven't heard of the
OLPC . (i.e. One Laptop Per Child) It is a association that is trying to develop a low-cost laptop (the $100 laptop) to use to educate children in third-world countries. Basically they are trying to bring the information era to the door-steps of countries like Peru, Mongolia and some countries in Africa. People of this organization believe that if you bring information / technology (i.e. www) to the less developed countries that are suffering from war, corruption, and disarray, It might bring future peace.  The strategy of the OLPC is to bring this technology to the child in hope that by doing this it will bring some kind of future peace as well as an array of other things. (Education, knowledge, The power to think for themselves.)

Recently posted on Diggs.com and Slashdot.org:

About 6 to 8 months Intel Corp. joined the OLPC as a member of the association. The OLPC was trying to get them to help them out in building a low cost, low power consumption microprocessor chip to put into the OLPC low-cost laptop. But for some reason they parted ways now and these two blogs describe Intel as a ruthless big corporate thug that doesn't care about the people but just the market it sells its chips to. Now both of the blog posting are very one sided (in favor of OLPC) and I tried finding Intel's argument as to why they drop-out of the OLPC. But I couldn't find a blog that sided Intel in either of the blog sites. I did though find a link in the blog from slashdot.com that took me to a CNET.com blog that gave more of a perspective on why. I guess Nicholas Negroponte asked Intel to stop making its Classmate PC while it was part of the OLPC. This seems to be one of the sources of friction between the two groups and probably is why they parted ways. But it doesn't really go into any depth as to why Negroponte asked this of Intel.

The diggs.com blog wrote this,  "Intel contributed nothing of value to OLPC: Intel never contributed in any way to our engineering efforts and failed to provide even a single line of code to the XO software efforts - even though Intel marketed its products as being able to run the XO software. The best Intel could offer in regards to an “Intel inside” XO laptop was one that would be more expensive and consume more power - exactly the opposite direction of OLPC’s stated mandate and vision."  This was from the head of the OLPC, Nicholas Negroponte and just by reading this you could get a really sense as to his frustration and disappointment towards Intel. It is kind of sad that things couldn't work out. Intel could of really contributed to the future success of this project. Not saying that they won't be successful without them. It just would of been great to have the leading microprocessor company evolved. 

Overall, I am sure it is a sad day for the OLPC when they couldn't reach an agreement with Intel. But it must of been a good day when AMD was asked to be involved in the project and supply a low cost, low power consumption chip and hopefully help the OLPC towards their goals. We will have to see what the future entails.