Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Technology Going Green!!

Monday, April 28, 2008
Wireless Technology & Where it is going.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hacking & Their Motives

The term “hacking” has many meaning and is commonly used to refer to a form of trespassing against a computer belonging to someone else. But hacking kind of has a range of meanings. A hacker can be someone breaking into computers or networks, a programmer in the free software and open source movement or a enthusiastic home computer hobbyist.
In the mid 1960’s hacking was a way to solve programming problems and create alternative means (or shortcuts) around certain computer issues. Hackers also looked into government and business records to exploit any harm that they were doing to the general public. Back then hackers were kind of the “robin hood” of the industry. They would rob from these institutions and give back to the public.
Nowadays, hackers seem to do more harm then good to the general population. They damage networks, create viruses and run rapid around cyberspace destroying or exploiting anything they can get their hands on. Overall hackers penetrate networks for many reasons. An attacker could have a couple of reasons to target a system. Here are a few possible motives hackers may have when breaking into a network.
Hacktivism can best be described as hacking for political reasons. The premise is that some hackers will use their skills and knowledge to forward a political, free speech movements or human rights agendas. This is sometimes coined to describe how electronic direct action might work towards a social change by combining programming skills with critical thinking.
Hack-nerd connection:
This is the most widely known reason for hacking. This is the recognition and desire for fame, you can call it trying to be “elite”, or even having bragging rights of their skills as being a hacker.
For knowledge:
In this world today people are judged and recognized by how much they know. This quest for knowledge has brought hacking websites that will teach people how to hack. By this phenomenon newbie’s have a vast amount of tools, scripts and information that they can use. Penetrating a system is an attractive thing to do for most enthusiastic technology involved people; it implies good knowledge of the penetrated system, which is an appreciated quality in the information age, at least for some.
Industrial espionage:
Industrial espionage refers to illegal activities, which can range from outright theft to bribery and anywhere in between. By having the power of hacking, hackers can be hired by businesses or firms to cover-up or perform unethical business practices to gain additional benefits. Sometimes firms will hire hackers to attack a competitor to increase their market share as well. To a hacker there can be a huge financial benefit.
This team of hackers also sets up phishing websites on the user’s web space to try and gather personal and financial information of users. They do this by sending out SPAM to thousands of email account trying to get the user to update their banking or other account information. The link in this SPAM email will then redirect them to this unauthorized phishing website on the hacked users web space.
Black Hat =An unethical hacker
White Hat = An ethical hacker
Monday, April 21, 2008
Virtualization with VMware Fusion

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Phishing The Web

Monday, March 17, 2008
Where is all this SPAM coming from?

Monday, March 10, 2008
Web 2.0

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Misconceptions about Linux

- -Windows began separating the basic user from the administrator account by default in Vista, over 15 years behind Linux.
- -Windows added a firewall in 2001, over seven years behind Linux's 1994 addition of ipchains.
- -Linux was the first operating system with x86_64 support, beating Windows XP Pro x64 by two years.
- -Windows added an attractive 3D accelerated graphical interface in Vista, a full year behind Linux's XGL.
- -Linux's package management system can install, uninstall, and update software from one interface. Everything installed from Apache to OpenOffice and Quake 4 may be updated with one press. Windows has nothing like this on the road map.
The Usefulness Of New Technology

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What is Drupal?

Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Future Of Wi-Fi in America

Free Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops, cafes, hotels, airports and much more have sprang up all over the place in recent years. In fact for about 8 years now this has been one of the most advancing technology services in the America retail and food service markets. Reading this article from diggs.com called Wi-Fi wants to be free seems to hopefully be a new growing trend in the Wi-Fi service and that is giving this service away from FREE. Currently most major coffee shops like Starsbucks have charging a monthly fee for using Wi-Fi in their cafes. But this seems to slowly be changing. Now the Wi-Fi service is being giving away like a free TV or free toaster when buying other goods or services.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Hacking Apple's iPhone

Reviewing some of the blogs from diggs.com and slashdot.org I came across many blog entries related to the fact that you can "hack" or alter your iphone to do special things. Such as altering filesystem permissions, making it run on other providers networks (i.e T-Mobile, Version), NES Emulators , serial console and many many other things. I also came across some negative issues dealing with iPhone hacks such as a new Trojan that will pull legitimate application off the phone for no reason. The blogs goes into explaining that this worm is more of an annoyance than anything else and only infects iPhones that have been modified or opened through a security hole in the system.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
OLPC and Intel Corporation Part Ways

Well, if you haven't heard of the OLPC . (i.e. One Laptop Per Child) It is a association that is trying to develop a low-cost laptop (the $100 laptop) to use to educate children in third-world countries. Basically they are trying to bring the information era to the door-steps of countries like Peru, Mongolia and some countries in Africa. People of this organization believe that if you bring information / technology (i.e. www) to the less developed countries that are suffering from war, corruption, and disarray, It might bring future peace. The strategy of the OLPC is to bring this technology to the child in hope that by doing this it will bring some kind of future peace as well as an array of other things. (Education, knowledge, The power to think for themselves.)